Today we found out that Owen's surgery will take place at 8:00am on Monday morning March 26th. Many of you are asking us how we are "really" doing with all this. Honestly, we are feeling positive about the change and feel much more relaxed about getting ready for the surgery day since we've already packed our bags and had a trial run. We will do our best to post something here soon after the surgery.
-AmyHere is a picture of Owen at his pre-op appointment. He is connected up to the EKG machine.
Thank you, Lord, for special Owen. Continue to surround the family with your love and peace as they await the surgery. We pray you will be the attending Great Physician, and this surgery will result in a healthy heart and a long life for Owen. We pray, too for Clara, that she will adjust well to the changes while Owen is in the hospital. In Jesus' name, amen.
Prayers continue.
Grandma Tea and Papa
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Ps. 139:13-16
What a great picture of Owen and what a Trooper! What a son to be proud of!!!!
Owen deserves a prayer for every tube and wire he has endured and will endure. Thankfully, the prayers have already far exceeded! :-)
Love to you all!
The Joy Family
We love you and you bet we are and will be praying! What a picture too, God has created Owen as such a special little guy and we are honored to know all of you.
Love you!
Our family is praying for Owen, and in our prayer meeting tomorrow, we will be praying for your little guy and your family.
May you know the truth of God's holy Word, especially that God is our refuge and our strength. May you trust in him, confessing that he is good and wise in all he determines.
For the Lindblad family and Trinity Reformed Baptist Church,
Stefan Lindblad
"Father......You are good. You are on the throne. Your sleeves are rolled up and you are actively working in Owen's life. Your timing and your methods are perfect. You are never late, hesitant or mistaken. You orchestrate all events on earth with Owen in mind. All of this power is fueled by a passionate love for him. Not a second passes in his day when your loving gaze isn't 100% on him. Therefore, we trust you with him. Amen."
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